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Spirit of 608: Fashion, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability + Tech

Oct 24, 2019

For fans of vintage and secondhand clothing with next to no time to hunt through all the things online to pin the good stuff down, this week’s guest has created nothing short of a true gem in the FEST space. In this episode, you will meet the New York-based, Finnish couple behind the new Google of secondhand style.

Meet this week’s guest, Liisa Jokinen, founder and CEO of Gem App.

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What you need to know:

Launched in the late spring of 2019 after almost a year in development, Gem is founded by husband-and-wife team Liisa Jokinen and Sampo Karjalainen, a Finnish-born couple based in New York City. As you’ll hear in the episode, Gem is really a marriage of their talents. Dig into their backgrounds, and you’ll discover that Liisa is a writer, fashion influencer and the renowned streetstyle photographer behind Hel Looks, NYC Looks and NYC Vintage Map.  For his part, Sampo is the accomplished developer who helped create the late 1990’s classic Habbo Hotel. Today, Gem brings together thousands of online stores and millions of products into one searchable site. The goal? Helping people to find the exact vintage and secondhand items they are looking for. In this episode, Liisa shares with the Spirit of 608 her love and connection to vintage clothing and how it led to the creation of the world’s most comprehensive and easy-to-use digital thrift store.


Gem App

Facebook: @thegemapp

Twitter: @the_gem_app


Gem App on App Store

Gem App on Play Store

Gem Stories

Liisa Jokinen

Hel Looks

NYC Looks

NYC Vintage Map




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