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Spirit of 608: Fashion, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability + Tech

May 29, 2018

It's a new Knowledge Drop episode that came at the right time for me - and I hope it will be arriving at the right time for you, too. After all, we've got these summer months to reconfigure what we're doing before the fall rush to the end of the year kicks in. Not only is this week's guest one of my favorite...

May 22, 2018

We're back with a live media coaching episode for the first time in months. In today’s episode, you’ll hear a live media strategy session with a FEST founder and Spirit of 608 Facebook group member who needs help building a path to press coverage for her Bay Area-based jewelry collection. Like many ethical...

May 15, 2018

It's all well and good to know DIY PR and media outreach are possible for emerging fashion brands and fashion startups, but how does it actually work and what happens along the way? In today's Knowledge Drop episode of the Spirit of 608 podcast, we have a FEST founder who's sharing her experience - from the first round...

May 8, 2018

We're diving into branding again on the Spirit of 608 podcast this week - and for good reason: it's consistently one of the top puzzles independent fashion companies have to sort out. And let's not forget: you can't really ever just "sort it" and move on. Great branding requires upkeep and evolution, as well as a...

May 1, 2018

How often do you ask questions? Lately, for me, the answer to that has been a lot more than usual. Yes, as the host of the Spirit of 608 podcast, I'm used to posing questions to the guests who come on the show each week. But as many of you who listen know, I've been looking to what the future of the Spirit of 608...