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Spirit of 608: Fashion, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability + Tech

Mar 18, 2021

Pretty much everyone has been in Hayley Elliott's shoes. Hayley had always wanted to express herself in some way, and create something beautiful. For her, this desire manifested in a business that she was passionate about - creating sustainable yoga wear that's ethically made and sourced.

In this episode, Hayley Elliott talks about how being authentic and true to herself boosted her branding and even connected her to her ideal audience. Check out this episode where we talk about balancing life and entrepreneurship, being authentic with yourself amidst the pressure of doing business.

<3 <3 <3 Oh hey there! Please help the podcast out and leave us a rating and review on iTunes. This stuff is key to the show's success, and I appreciate you helping me play the game.

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Resources from the show:

Queen Bee by Roxanne Quimby

Pay It Forward:

Jackie Trebilcock

Get Your PressDope DIY PR Quick Start Kit

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